Voter Information

Register to vote

If you're an existing DMV customer, you can register or update your registration online. Otherwise, your local county Board of Elections can help.

Make a plan

Make a plan to vote by picking a time and location to vote, determining how you'll get to the polls, and finding the folks you'll be casting your ballots with.

Bring a photo ID

Make sure you've got everything you need to vote, which includes a form of photo ID. More than just drivers' licenses are eligible, so make sure your form of ID is valid under the law!

Cast your ballot

Follow your plan to vote in the primary and general elections. You can vote at any early voting site in your county but must vote at your local polling place if you vote on Election Day.

Important Dates

October 15

Voter Registration Deadline

To vote in the election, you'll need to be registered to vote at your current address by October 15th.

October 19 – November 4

Early Voting Period

You can vote at any early voting site in your county, and if you haven't registered to vote yet, you can still register at a polling place during early voting.

November 7

Election Day

If you haven't yet voted for Matt, you can vote at your local polling place.